It’s Here…The Day of My Departure!

In a little over 14 hours, I will be sitting on a Boeing 777 that will be taking off from JFK Airport on a 14 hour trek to Seoul and then on to Hong Kong, where I will set off on a 10 week adventure on the Asian continent!

It’s been a fairly hectic week leading up to this date. On top of everything else that’s going on, I’ve also been in the process of moving out of my apartment and into a storage unit (which I’ll be doing this afternoon).

Many have asked if I am excited, but I’ve been so focused on everything I need to accomplish first, that I haven’t really had much time to focus on the excitement that lies ahead. That is starting to change and I’m sure by 6:00pm this evening, once I’m into my storage unit, I will start to get really excited!

The one thing I’m definitely not, is nervous, a stark change from my first Asian adventure 3.5 years ago. Before, I was jumping into an unknown situation that I was unsure I’d be able to handle. Now, I’m jumping into an unknown situation that I know I will thrive in!

Bring it on!

ASIA 2010Next Entry–Flight to Hong Kong (Via Seoul) >>

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