Say What??–”Fire Prevention”

Build up fire prevention protection screen inherit and remain the world heritatge culture
"Build up fire prevention protection screen inherit and remain the world heritatge culture."

The Chinese like to smoke. A lot. “No Smoking” signs are no deterrent. So it’s no wonder that the Chinese government goes to great lengths in its UNESCO World Heritage Sites (at least the two that I visited) to remind folks to take measures against fire prevention.

Amongst the sheer beauty of the hike up Emei Shan (Mt. Emei), a 1.5 day odyssey up some 2,500 meters or 8,200 feet, were a bevy of humerous signs giving folks little tips on an array of subjects, including fire prevention.

Today’s “Say What??” image comes from those mist-shrouded hills, a gentle reminder of just why fires should be prevented.

Say What?? is a thrice weekly series featuring numerous signs from my travels. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for updates! Or better yet, subscribe to receive them automatically!


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