Say What?? Travel Photo: Fireproofing

Deep love of the ancient city, careful thought of fireproofing"

Fireproofing. Apparently it’s not just mandated by the New York City Fire Department! No, no, the Chinese government has gotten in on the act too, as established by this sign: “Deep love of ancient city, careful thought of fireproofing.” “What ancient city?,” you may ask. Why the UNESCO World Heritage Town of Lijiang, in China’s Yunnan province (which, as you may recall, is a place I was not terribly fond of).

If you’ve been following my “Say What??” series, then you may recall a previous sign about fire prevention from the World Heritage Site of Emei Shan. Clearly the local authorities are determined to preserve their world heritage through careful thoughts of fireproofing and botching the English language…

Say What?? is a thrice weekly series featuring numerous hilarious signs from my travels. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for updates! Or better yet, subscribe to my RSS feed to receive them automatically!


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