Say What?? Travel Photo: Spelling

Ah China. Your spelling errors have given me many a chuckle and this sign was no exception. Nothing like a giant sign boasting about how the proprietors of a guest house are great English speakers. Though it doesn’t do a lot of good for their credibility if they misspell that?

Cue the wonderful and very Tibetan town of Litang, nestled high, high up in the mountains of China’s western Sichuan Province. One of the first places one hits after exiting is the highly publicized Potala Inn (named after the Dalai Lama’s former palace in Lhasa). On their great big sign, they shout out in big huge letters, “Good English Spealer!”

I would like to point out, for the record, that only one person at this establishment spoke a word of English, which I suppose makes sense since “Spealer,” were it actually a word, is singular…

Say What?? is a thrice weekly series featuring numerous hilarious signs from my travels. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for updates! Or better yet, subscribe to my RSS feed to receive them automatically!

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