Say What?? Travel Photo: Shhhh…

You’ve heard of Chengdu, right? No? Well it’s the capital of a Chinese province famed for its firey cuisine! Yes, I speak of the Sichuan province, though you probably know it by an alternate spelling often found throughout Chinese Restaurants in the U.S…Szechuan. (In fact the pronounciation is closer to Suh-Chwan).

Sichuan Province borders Tibet. In fact large swaths of its west used to be Tibet. As such, Buddhism is highly prevalent here, with Buddhist Temples, a rather rare site elsewhere in China, dotting the landscape.

A walk through one can be a wonderfully relaxing experience, as you pass by worshippers lighting incesne everywhere you turn. In fact, at times there is so much incense smoke, you can hardly see anything!

But remember, these temples are sacred religious institutions so proper decorum must be observed! After all, just read the sign!

So please, try not to laugh too loudly when you see this sign, lest you not keep a “low voice speech.”

Say What?? is a thrice weekly series featuring numerous hilarious signs from my travels. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for updates! Or better yet, subscribe to my RSS feed to receive them automatically!

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