Say What?? Travel Photo: Steep Safety

Another day, another Chinese sign. And this marks the third bit of mangled English this week to come from the bizarre natrual landform that is “Moon Hill,” a hill near the Chinese town of Yangshuo with a circle in the middle. Previously this week, I’ve shown you “fresh blowed coffee” from the cafe and a sign advising hikers that “passengers” should not enter. But then comes this:

“Akin to finding steep Safety.” I suppose the message here is to be safe around steep edges. But “akin?” Akin: adjective, 1) related by blood : descended from a common ancestor or prototype; 2) essentially similar, related, or compatible.

Perhaps I’m missing somethng here. Join together to find ways to be safe around steep edges? Anyone got a better idea?

Say What?? is a thrice weekly series featuring numerous hilarious signs from my travels. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for updates! Or better yet, subscribe to my RSS feed to receive them automatically!

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