As Spotted on the Subway #747

MetroCardI was on the 1 train this afternoon minding my own business when some woman gets on and starts talking…not unusual. But this was no ordinary person with a selfish cause. This was a young, clearly not homeless woman. She broke into a clearly prepared and showy speech representing, get this, PETA.

She starts off preaching veganism. “Humans are meant to be herbivores,” she shouted. “In fact, there are starving people everywhere because all the grain we are growing is going to feed animals that are going to be slaughtered for our benefit”….okay…..but wait, it gets better….

“All the plant life is being killed to feed these animals and that’s contributing to global warming and it’s going to cause New York to be underwater soon!”…….What???

The beauty of all this was that she was handing out glossy flyers. Now, last time I checked, paper is a tree by-product. So, by her logic, the creation of those flyers killed trees which is contributing to global warming and will one day cause New York to be underwater..


As my friend who I was meeting for dinner said when I recalled the story to her, “I like what PETA stands for but hate their tactics.”

I have to say I agree on that!


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